Electronic Shooting Gallery
Take aim and Fire! with our new Electronic Shooting Gallery. This interactive game will have your competitive juices flowing as you pit yourself against an opponent in a bid to hit your colour lights. With time against you, speed and accuracy is what you will need to come out a champion. Addictive and quick this game will definitely have you back for more.
Our air soft guns make it easy and safe for anyone to participate. Small foam balls are what you will be shooting, in-capable of causing harm to anyone they are simple to load, pop them in the firing nose at the front of the gun then naturally pull the trigger and your away.
If your hosting a competition, or just looking to entertain, this game is just as much fun for all. It can be played as a single or multiplayer activity, simply see if you can set a new record or just better your own skills, either way the choice is yours.
Ready to book? Then get in touch so we can help you to plan your event. You can either use the details below or you can complete the enquiry form on our contact us page.
All Prices Subject to 20% VAT
| Suitable |
Indoors on Hard Surface | |
Outdoors on Grass | |
Outdoors on Hard Surface | |
Other Surface | |